Tips to Soothe Teething from the Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock

June 19, 2018

mom and happy babyBefore that adorable smile makes an appearance, those precious little teeth have to push their way through your baby’s gums. This process, called teething, can lead to swelling and discomfort for your little one—not a pleasant situation for either of you. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help. Read on to learn what a children’s dentist in Castle Rock recommends.


Tips for a Smooth Visit with the Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock

June 9, 2018

smiling child with dentistLet’s face it—if you listened to your children every time they said, “NO!” then they’d walk out of the house without shoes everyday, eat candy and popcorn for breakfast, lunch and dinner and never, ever, ever see the children’s dentist in Castle Rock. Fortunately, they have parents who know what’s good for them, and regular dental checkups are not only good, they’re important. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the first visit won’t take a certain amount of child psychology. Here are some ideas to make your child’s first dental appointment pleasant—for both of you.


The Tooth Fairy Struggle…is Real

September 6, 2017

Kid crying cause mom forgot tooth fairyIf your parents offered up tooth fairy services to you as a child, it’s time for you to say thanks! It may seem like a snap taking a tooth leaving some cash, but as any first time tooth fairy will tell you, being a good tooth fairy is hard work. Sneakiness, manual dexterity, making the story sound fun and not creepy…the tooth fairy struggle is real. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the tooth fairy is an opportunity to talk to your child about their oral health. They think they’re having fun, but a great tooth fairy will always sneak in some lessons about keeping teeth healthy.