Castle Rock Smiles Blog

When Is My Child Old Enough for an Electric Toothbrush?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 8:10 pm
young girl using electric toothbrush

Does your child try to turn every toothbrushing session into a production worthy of a Hollywood movie? You aren’t alone in terms of parents who face these theatrics daily. Even an experienced dentist might have a tough time convincing a young child how important brushing is for their oral health. You may be considering upgrading their manual toothbrush to an electric one to get them excited about brushing, but are you unsure whether your child is ready? Read on to learn more from your children’s dentist in Castle Rock about electric toothbrushes for kids and at what age you can make the switch. 


5 Unique Ways to Welcome the Tooth Fairy

January 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 8:37 pm
child holding lost tooth in hand

For most children, losing a tooth means looking forward to finding money tucked underneath their pillow the next morning. It’s tradition for the Tooth Fairy to replace the tooth with a small gift, encouraging little ones to take proper care of their pearly whites while simultaneously getting them excited about their growing smiles. However, there are other fun ways to welcome the magical sprite that are just as exciting as the usual method. Read along to find out what they are!


Oral Hygiene Guide for Children with Special Needs

December 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 12:59 am
mom helping daughter with special needs dentistry in Castle Rock

Though you may know how important it is to brush your teeth twice per day and floss once per day, children with emotional, behavioral, physical, or intellectual disabilities may struggle to do so. They may require additional help to properly clean their teeth if they have trouble remembering to do so or their fine motor skills make it difficult for them. Read on to learn four tips that can help you keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy with special needs dentistry in Castle Rock.


Pulpectomy & Pulpotomy: Breaking Down Root Canals for Kids

October 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 8:26 pm
Child looking in mirror as dentist points to their teeth

It’s no secret that cavities are prevalent, but did you know tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in children? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s second only to the common cold! Furthermore, roughly 20% of children between the ages of 5 and 11 have at least one untreated cavity. If left unchecked, the root of the problem can worsen, requiring a pulpectomy or pulpotomy. To learn more about root canals for kids, read on!


5 Myths About Children’s Teeth Debunked by a Pediatric Dentist

September 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 2:11 pm
a child playing with a toy phone on a floor

Nobody hands you a how-to book on what you can expect as your child’s smile develops. However, with help from your pediatric dentist, you can make sure that their oral health remains on the right track. By knowing these five dental myths, which you’ve probably heard about, and why you shouldn’t take them as fact, you can take better care of your child’s smile without having a looming sense of being an “inadequate parent” linger over your head.


8 Foods That Can Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

August 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 7:37 pm
Smiling girl with watermelon and good children's oral health

If you’re a parent, you already know that children grow way too fast! That’s why it’s essential that you make sure they get all the vitamins and minerals they need for healthy bones, skin, and immune system. But what about their teeth and gums? With a few simple additions to your child’s daily diet, you can help keep their teeth strong and dramatically lower their risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Read on as we list out eight delicious choices for better children’s oral health!


5 FAQs About Dental Sealants Answered

August 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 7:03 pm
Smiling boy points to his new dental sealants for children

Without a doubt, teaching your child how to brush and floss their teeth is one of the best ways you can help them prevent cavities. However, this simple daily task isn’t always so easy when they’re first learning. This is especially true when it comes to cleaning the back molars, which are large, hard to reach, and contain deep grooves. To help protect that precious smile from decay while they learn about great oral hygiene, talk to your dentist about dental sealants for children. This quick and simple treatment can make all the difference in keeping that growing smile happy, healthy, and cavity-free. Read on as we answer five of the most common questions parents ask about dental sealants.


The History of Pediatric Dentistry

June 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 6:28 pm
Dentist smiling at boy in pediatric dentistry office

People have been practicing dentistry since ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Thankfully, caring for teeth looks a lot different today than it did back then! Alongside improved techniques and materials, one of the most important advancements in dentistry was the development of pediatric dentistry. Specialized dental care for children first came about in the early 1900s, and has since gone through a variety of changes to get to where it is today. Read on as we take a closer look at the history of pediatric dentistry and why it matters for your little one today.


When Should You Start Cleaning Your Child’s Teeth?

May 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 4:16 pm
smiling little girl brushing her teeth for better oral health

Like everything else in parenting, learning how and when to care for your child’s smile doesn’t come with a guidebook! Among all the other important milestones your little one is reaching, it’s important to make sure that their oral health is off to a great start too. But how exactly are you supposed to do that? Your Castle Rock pediatric dentist is here to share the basics of caring for your little ones’ precious smile. Read on as we cover gum care, brushing and flossing, and other important parts of caring for your child’s dental health.


5 Facts All Parents Should Know About Their Child’s Oral Health

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbenzley @ 2:40 pm
a little girl smiling and pointing to her teeth while in the dentist’s chair

Knowing how to guide and encourage your child to embrace good oral hygiene isn’t always easy. Throughout every stage of growth, from infancy to adolescence, you will experience different challenges along the way that make the process of maintaining healthy teeth and gums a struggle. Fortunately, a local dentist who offers children’s dentistry in Castle Rock is here to share 5 facts all parents should know about their child’s oral health. Read on to discover how this information can help you better prepare their smiles for the future.

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